martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

var cvs = document.getElementById("canvas"); var ctx = cvs.getContext("2d"); // load images var bird = new Image(); var bg = new Image(); var fg = new Image(); var pipeNorth = new Image(); var pipeSouth = new Image(); bird.src = "images/bird.png"; bg.src = "images/bg.png"; fg.src = "images/fg.png"; pipeNorth.src = "images/pipeNorth.png"; pipeSouth.src = "images/pipeSouth.png"; // some variables var gap = 85; var constant; var bX = 10; var bY = 150; var gravity = 1.5; var score = 0; // audio files var flySound= new Audio(); flySound.src="sounds/fly.mp3"; // on key down document.addEventListener("keydown",moveUp); function moveUp(){ bY -=25;; } // pipe coordinates var pipe=[]; pipe[0]={ x:cvs.width, y:0 }; // draw images function draw(){ ctx.drawImage(bg,0,0); for(var i=0;i=pipe[i].x && bX<=pipe[i].x+pipeNorth.width && (bY<=pipe[i].y+pipeNorth.height || bY+bird.height>=pipe[i].y+constant)||bY+bird.height>=cvs.height-fg.height){ location.reload(); // reload the page } if(pipe[i].x==5){ score++; } } ctx.drawImage(fg , 0 , cvs.height-fg.height); ctx.drawImage(bird,bX,bY); bY+=gravity; ctx.fillStyle="#0000

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013


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